

Legal notice

MVG-Metallverarbeitungsgesellschaft mbH
An der Wasserwiese 1,52249 Eschweiler

Telephone: +49 (0) 2403 / 7902 - 60

Legal form: GmbH
Registered office of the company: Eschweiler
Amtsgericht Aachen HRB 11609
CEO: Christoph Pütz, Michael Pütz
Value added tax registration number: DE121733326
Registration number of the Central Office Packaging Register Foundation: DE5641536207856
Tax identification number.: 202/5751/0183

Consumer arbitration board / Dispute settlement procedure
The European Commission provides a platform for consumers for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) which you can find under the external link Online Dispute Resolution. We are neither willing nor obliged to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board.


Copyright 1998-2024 MVG-Metallverarbeitungsgesellschaft mbH (MVG). All rights reserved. All texts, photographs, graphics, sound, video or animation data plus their arrangements are subject to copyright and other laws concerning intellectual property rights. They may neither be copied for commercial purposes nor passed on to third parties, nor changed and used on other websites. Some MVG website pages include illustrations of other copyright holders who have permitted the use of the same.

Trade marks

If not otherwise stipulated, all the trade marks mentioned on the MVG website are registered trade marks of MVG.


MVG makes this information available without any assurance whatsoever or guarantee of any kind, be it expressed or silent. Especially excluded are all guarantees including implied guarantees that concern the possible commercial use of the contents or adequacy for a particular purpose or non-infringement of laws and patents. While we assume that the information and content provided by us is true and correct, it may, nevertheless, contain errors or inaccuracies. No liability shall be taken for errors, changes in prices, printing errors, availability, technical modifications or variations of the product from sample pictures.

Links to websites of third parties

The MVG website can have links to other websites. Despite careful checking, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The responsibility for the contents of sites linked from this website remains with the operator of those sites.

Licensing rights

MVG wants to offer you an innovative and informative Internet programme. The intellectual property contained on this website – including patents, trade marks and copyrights is protected. For this reason no license to the intellectual property of MVG or third parties has been granted by this website.

Concept, web design and realisation

AIXhibit AG – E-Commerce / Onlinemarketing Webdesign Aachen



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